Happy Design with Personality!
E - DESIGN PACKAGES - Reimagining your historic home!
Are you excited to redo your once wonderful old house and turn it into your dream home again? Are all the decisions that you need to make overwhelming?
I can help you take action on your ideas.
After listening to your dreams and dilemmas, I’ll design a personalized, creative design plan that reflects you and your wishes. Like you, I love and appreciate old houses and you can be assured that your designs will reflect this.
My online services are perfect for you to get on a path to completion. Starting with just one room, or the whole house. With these services I’ll handle the development of the concept (ideas) designs. You’ll receive a detailed PDF document of designs that you can implement on your own time as a do -it -your- selfer or you can hire out for the next stages of the design process.
Working with a designer can help save you from endless indecision and stress, while also saving time, money and giving you your dream home. My wish is for this to be a fun and enjoyable process for you!
Read more about my e-design packages below.